Most homeowners assume that if water is coming in, that their roof is leaking. A lot of the time, the roofers get blamed when a leak comes in to play. But, the problem may originate elsewhere.
We have been on many roofs where the design is flawed and it causes problems in other aspects. Take this one for example:
Here is a home that has a serious problem with water coming in and it has caused the plywood to rot at the bottom of the valley. The biggest problem is that the water was not getting off of the roof. The framers framed two valleys that intersected 2 feet from the edge of the roof. This created a 2 foot flat spot on a pitched roof that never should have been there.
The architect should have never designed it that way. The framers never should have framed that way. And lastly, the roofers should have never roofed over an area that would be so problematic for the homeowner.
So homeowners are left with the question, "Whose fault is it?"
They all share responsibility in the blame. Contractors in any specific field should speak up and let the homeowner know of any impending problems. When building a home or remodeling, as you hire contractors, make sure that you communicate with them in every aspect from design to finished project. As a homeowner you have the right to be informed of any design flaws. In regards to your roof, ask questions, such as: "Can you see any areas that might cause problems in the case of ice build up or excessive rain/wind?" Ultimately, the roofers are the last to be on the roof. We, at Casey Roofing Inc. like to keep our clients informed as to what can be done to fix leaks and prevent and to prevent from ever happening in the first place.
Casey Roofing Inc came in and fixed the problem.
We cut out the damaged plywood, gave it some bracing and replaced the bad plywood. We then framed in a new piece of plywood thus moving the valley to the correct position. A little ice shield, TPO membrane and new shingles and the problem is fixed for good.